Winning Isn't Easy: Long-Term Disability ERISA Claims
Nancy L. Cavey, a seasoned attorney with over thirty-nine years of experience, explains the complex world of filing for Long-Term Disability benefits. Filing for disability can be a confusing, life changing event, so with her deft expertise, Nancy will guide you through:
- The ins-and-outs of ERISA (the Employee Retirement Income Security Act), which governs group Long-Term Disability Claims.
- Information regarding the process and lifespan of a claim, from the initial application to the request for hearing stages.
- Traps and tactics disability carriers (such as UNUM, The Hartford, Lincoln, and MetLife) use to hinder or deny your claim, including independent medical evaluations, surveillance, and arbitrary and capricious arguments downplaying the nature of your disability.
- Insights, overviews, and claimant stories regarding disease-specific content (ranging from commonplace ailments such as workplace injuries or accidents, to difficult to diagnose illnesses such as Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, and POTS).
- Pertinent news happening in the disability world, and
- Much, much more.
Each episode of our podcast Winning Isn't Easy will expose you to invaluable tips and tricks for surviving the disability claims process (a system that is often wrought with pressures and pitfalls designed to encourage you to give up the benefits you rightfully deserve). As host, Nancy will often be joined by guest speakers who themselves are industry experts, ranging from lawyers specializing in related fields and doctors focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of specific diseases, to our associate attorney Krysti Monaco.
In her late teens, Nancy's father was diagnosed with leukemia. As someone who witnessed firsthand the devastating emotional and financial impact on both individual and family that being disabled and filing for benefits can have, Nancy is not just an attorney, but an empathetic presence who understands what you are going through.
Do not let disability insurance carriers rob you of your peace of mind. As a nationwide practice, The Law Office of Nancy L. Cavey may be able to help you get the disability benefits you deserve, regardless of where in the United States you reside. Remember - let Cavey Law be the bridge to your benefits.
Check out the links below to engage with us elsewhere:
Website - https://caveylaw.com/
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/CaveyLaw
The Importance of Nurse Consultants in Long-Term Disability Claims with Shannon Fenimore

What Every ERISA Policyholder or Plan Beneficiary Must Know About How the Carrier or Plan Uses Their Nurse Reviewer, Paper Medical Reviews, or Independent Medical Examinations To Create Reasons for the Denial or Termination of Your Disability Claim

How Long COVID and Other Social Security Disability Residual Functional Capacity Forms Can Help You Win Your ERISA Disability Insurance Claim

An Update on Long COVID Long-Term Disability Claims

Insights Into Life with a Disability with Ken Kunken

More on Sedgwick, P2

Long-Term Care Health Benefits and Your Disability Insurance Policy

What You Need to Know About Functional Capacity Evaluations in Your Long-Term Disability Claim

The Ten Common Mistakes You Can Make in Your Initial Application for ERISA Disability Benefits

Interstitial Cystitis

More on UNUM, P4

Diseases - What You Must Know About Getting Benefits for Them, What Carriers Don’t Understand about Them, and How Carriers Will Wrongfully Deny Claims for Them

Disorders Impacting Brain Health, P2

Traps in Activity of Daily Living (ADL) Forms

Back and Neck Disorders

ERISA Regulations, P2 - What Disclosures Must ERISA Disability Carriers or Plans Make to You in a Denial or Termination Letter, and More

More on Multiple Sclerosis, P4

Return to Work and Disability Duration Guidelines

Vestibular Disorders - Dizziness, Meniere's Disease, and Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

The Horrible Impact That a Workers’ Compensation Claim Settlement and Separation Agreement Can Have on Your Long-Term Disability Claim - Plus, What You Should Do if Your Employer Demands That You Sign a Severance Agreement
More UNUM Cases Throughout the United States

More on Chronic Fatigue and COVID

The Intersection of SSDI and ERISA, P2 - Vocational Evaluation

Sedgwick - Everything You Need to Know about This Disability Carrier

The Intersection of SSDI and ERISA, P1 - The Vocational Games That Are Played in an ERISA Case